Sorry we're posting late (seeing as we processed the Turkey's and Chickens for Thanksgiving). It's not because we're busy but when we have free time we want to read a book or something else :). So we got started by setting all the stuff up we borrowed a BIG pot from one of our neighbors to scald the birds in. Then we got a couple of tables for pulling off the feathers and gutting. Then we got started processing the turkeys and by the way turkeys are extremely strong because dad got hit in the face. Then dad scalded them to loosen the feathers and we started to pull away, we also had some friends help, they brought the chickens we processed. Then Hannah gutted two turkeys, and I gutted the other one. Hannah gutted the chickens I tried to gut them but the cavity was too
small compared to a turkey. This is what they weighed dressed and ready. The first turkey was 43 pounds! The second turkey was 35 pounds! The third was 27 pounds! Here are some pics!
We ate the 43 pounder for Thanksgiving.
Without the skin look at all that meat. :}
Grandma was pretty excited!
The meat was very yummy and juicy!
Caleb and Seth Wassenberg
Co-owners of SRR Eggs:)