Thursday, December 22, 2011

Quick update

Sorry for not posting lately!  We have one that we hope to post today!
Just so ya'll know, we think that something is eating our girls.  And we think is is probably at night.  Sooooo....  we'll might have to sleep with our girls on night!  We're not sure what type of animal it is yet.

Till next time, God Bless!
Caleb and Seth Wassenberg
Co-owners of SRR Egg Factory


  1. What are the signs you're seeing? Dead chickens, any parts missing? Or just birds missing from your flock with no trace?


  2. Hey Matthew!

    First we started seeing just circles of feather every now and then, and now we are starting to see them more frequently. Dad thinks it is a nighttime attack. He said it may possibly be a owl!?

    Today Seth saw one dead chicken (which is the first) and it looked like it had been attacked on the head.

    We've just noticed that the chicken group was going way down!

    In His Service,

  3. It might be. A coon would take the heads off and a dog would kill them all. So it has to be either a fox or an owl. Foxes usually leave some feathers but take the chicken. I've never dealt with an owl before. It's really hard to carry away a chicken (some local hawks have tried it and they could never get the birds) but if it's really big it can be done. Night cams supposedly work to find out what's getting them (though I've never tried one, I usually lose them during the day).

