Friday, July 29, 2011

Guess What??!!

Well when we gathered the eggs and filled waterers and checked on the chickens a couple of days ago, and while we were gathering the eggs we saw our first pullet egg!!  They are supposed to start laying in late August or early September!  We have no idea what type of chicken layed it (we think it is a Sex Link) but I'll show y'all a pic of it!

Which one do you think is the pullet egg?!

The left egg is one of the older girls eggs compared to the pullet egg!

To the younger chickens!
Good job Girls!

Seth's favorite type of  chickens are the Americauna.
Caleb's favorite type of chickens that the have are the Golden Laced Wyndottes and the Barred Rocks.

We are now getting around three eggs a day!  Next week we hopefully going to put the prices on the eggs!!

Tilll next time, God Bless!
Caleb and Seth Wassenberg
Co-owners of Srr Egg Factory  
What they used to look like!  They are so small!!

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